MTM is a fundraising program of the General Youth Division in the United Pentecostal Church International. Since its inception in 1952, over $100 million dollars have been raised to help a variety of needs.


Bible Quizzing - The General Youth Division is proud to sponsor two levels of quizzing. The Intermediate Division is open to 12 – 14 year olds and the Experienced Division involves 15 – 18 year olds. In addition to this, the Youth Division produces several quizzing resources that assist teams in preparing for competitions on the district and national levels.

Apostolic Youth Corps - Apostolic Youth Corps (AYC) facilitates the pairing of ministry-minded Pentecostal youth with North American and international sites that need and/or desire evangelism assistance. AYC provides evangelism opportunities within North America or international sites for various durations ranging from 7-14 days and long-term assignments that range from 4-9 months.

Youth Ministers Training Event - Formerly known as the North American Youth Workers Convention, the Youth Ministers Training Event is a conference geared toward empowering youth pastors and youth workers with biblically sound and relevant teaching. This multi-sensory youth conference inspires, informs, and equips youth workers with instruction and resources to impact their local ministries.

District Projects - Forty percent of the earned MTM offering is retained in the local district to assist in the funding of various projects for young people. This offering helps subsidize campground projects, Youth Camps, Conventions, Youth Worker Training, PK Retreats, and Young Married Seminars.

North American Youth Congress - North American Youth Congress (NAYC) is the national youth conference of the United Pentecostal Church. Thousands of young people attend this meeting and are exposed to inspiring preaching, teaching, singing and great fellowship! NAYC takes place biannually in a city in North America and is anticipated with much excitement by young people, and youth workers of the UPCI.

Inside-Out - Pentecostal teens can read about culturally relevant issues from a biblical perspective in this magazine produced exclusively by the General Youth Division. Young people are often the authors of the articles in this publication in addition to seasoned youth workers, pastors, and contributors.

Foreign Missions - Without reliable transportation, many of our missionaries would not be able to spread the Gospel into areas that have rough terrain or are far from their homes. Over 17 million dollars has been given to the Foreign Missions Division to purchase vehicles for missionaries. Why? Because no missionary should have to forfeit evangelizing their field of burden because of insufficient transportation. For more information about the Foreign Missions Division, visit

Home Missions - One of the biggest challenges for a home missionary is purchasing or renovating property to have adequate facilities for church services. MTM provides grants of up to $10,000 to assist home missionaries in purchasing property. This is just another way that MTM helps to expand revival across North America. Visit for more information.

Christian Education - Many young people feel a calling into ministry and a desire to prepare for ministry by attending Bible College. Some students face challenges in raising finances for tuition. Fortunately, MTM has given over $850,000 to provide scholarships to qualified young people seeking to train themselves for working in the kingdom of God. Funds raised from MTM are also used to sponsor a summer retreat for the staff members of our Bible colleges.

Tupelo Children’s Mansion - With many young people subject to the problems that a broken home produces, Tupelo Children’s Mansion provides a place of solace for those who have been abandoned and abused. The General Youth Division is thrilled to partner with TCM by providing funds that support this vital ministry. For more information about Tupelo Children’s Mansion, please visit

Lighthouse Ranch for Boys - The purpose of Lighthouse Ranch is to heal the broken lives of young men. This healing is accomplished through therapeutic guidance methods and by the Word of God. Through the spirit of love and caring, the Lighthouse Ranch has helped steer troubled boys toward living responsible and mature lives. Visit for more information.

Spirit of Freedom Ministries - Spirit of Freedom Ministries is a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to reaching chemically dependent individuals and their families with the answer to their alcohol or drug-related problems. The goal is to offer materials and toll-free phone lines to assist men, women, and children across North America who desire help. Log on to for more information about the ways this ministry helps rescue families from the damaging effects of drug addiction and alcohol abuse.